What to Look for in a Great Real Estate Agent

It makes sense to find the absolute best real estate agent to work with because this house purchase is going to be the most cost expenditure you make in your lifetime. In addition to the huge expense, you’re dealing with the long buying process for at least three months, longer depending on how soon you can find a house. Here are some of the things you should look for when shopping around for a realtor brought to you by Charleston luxury real estate company Premier One in Charleston SC.

Charleston Luxury Real EstateResponse Time – If you want to know how fast a potential realtor responds to their clients, simply go to any Facebook group for realtors in your town or a rant and rave page. Regardless if the comment is good or bad, the best realtors will respond lightning fast to appreciate the comments or to try and repair the damage done. You can get a real feel for the realtor simply by checking out how fast and what they say when they respond to comments.

Realtor Popularity – Similar to the online comments in discussion groups, the best realtors will have customers raving about them any time a new member asks about realtor referrals. If you see the same names of realtors popping up, it might be a great place to start in your search for the best possible realtor to work with.

Realtor Reputation – Stop by the realtors website, fan page, or profile pages on social media, you will see exactly how previous customers feels about them. People seem to have zero issue going online to either praise or complain about a service,. and since you are going to be working with this person for months, you want to find one that has a stellar reputation. In seconds you will be able to tell if the masses love or hate this realtor, as well as how many clients they have referred to them over the years.

Track Record of Realtor – All of these resources also give you a chance to look at the track record of any realtor. When you see a realtor constantly winning realtor of the month or year awards, or selling the most homes in a month, this realtor is a force to be dealt with and one you really want working on your behalf.

These simple tips for finding the best realtor take little time for each realtor you are researching. In no time at all you will find the perfect match for your unique needs.
